Saturday, August 3, 2019

History of yoga, part 2

History of yoga, part 2, deep of yoga, the real meaning of yoga

all about yoga

The Bhagwat Gita says; "Yogah karmasu kaishalam" means yoga is a skill in action and expression, yoga is ton just exercise it's how skillfully we communicate and act in any given situation. So here yoga is described more about mind skill. It means you could be watching a sunset doing your job and in the office or cooking at home. If you are doing it out of joy and love you are then you are a yogi, a karma yogi. The same action divide when we love or care is not yogi. Krishna says in the Bhagwat Gita equanimity is the mind is a sign of yoga. The ability to remain centered in a worth situation is yoga. Whatever brings to back to our nature, which is Harmony and joy is yoga. While posture makes the body healthy, pranayama and meditation take the mind deep within. uniting, diverse, aspects of the life of existence is yoga. 
Wonderments is a preface to yoga "bismaya yog bhumika" the wow experience many times in life is a preface to yoga. Anyone angrost totally in anything is one dying yoga "tadu drashtuh swaroope awasthanam" yoga is being established in the seer the dristha scenery ti the seer. When one is in harmony rather the journey of life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. life starts following in a direction to unite with its very source. 

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